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Reusable nappies are better for your baby

In times when the emphasis is increasingly on sustainability, reusable nappies are indispensable in any household with young children. After all, they last much longer than disposable diapers. However, it may be even more important for you as a parent to know that washable diapers are also better for your baby. In several areas.

A huge advantage of washable diapers over the disposable variant is that they do not contain any chemicals. In addition, it has been found that babies who wear washable diapers from the start are toilet trained on average 1 year earlier. In addition to saving money anyway because the diaper lasts much longer, you also have to purchase diapers for your baby for much less time.

Reusable nappies as a sustainable solution

A good reason to choose washable diapers is the environment. That's an often-heard argument among young parents who don't opt for the popular disposable diapers. But what about that concretely? What sustainable benefit for the environment do washable diapers deliver? After all, washable diapers need to be washed, for example. That also costs water and energy.

However, the disposable variant produces about 260 kilos of extra waste per baby, or 22 kilos per month, on an annual basis. It is therefore a huge mountain of extra waste, which must be collected and processed by the municipality. This also has an impact on the environment. But your wallet will also benefit from choosing a sustainable solution.

Cost savings with reusable nappies

Sustainability, so attention to the environment, is a good reason to choose washable diapers. Another big advantage, however, is the cost savings. From birth to toilet training, an average family uses 7,000 disposable diapers, which cost between 15 and 25 cents each. That amounts to around € 1,500 in total.

Reusable nappies may cost a little more when you first purchase them, but they also last much longer. In total, you save about € 500 to € 1000 with one child, over a period of about 2 years. In addition, disposable diapers must be disposed of with bulky waste. In most municipalities you pay extra for that. All in all, the savings can therefore add up considerably.

Reusable nappies are better for your baby

It is known that disposable diapers contain a lot of chemicals, which are bad for the fragile skin of young children. This can cause a rash, or in some cases even inflammation. This is not the case with washable diapers, because the material is more refined and softer. Also, no harmful chemicals are used in the production.

In addition, the washable pants ensure that children are toilet trained earlier. With the washable variant, they feel wetness faster and that is of course not pleasant. However, it will remind the child again and again that it is smarter to do the pee on the toilet. In this way, the washable diaper makes a concrete contribution to your child's own judgment.

Different types of Reusable nappies

Children come in all shapes and sizes and so do reusable nappies. Most, however, are very easily adjustable in size. In addition, the diapers are decorated with cheerful prints and crazy, bright colors. This glitzy pocket diaper with dinosaur print for example, is very popular with the little ones!

Are you mainly looking for a handy solution for the night, when you and your partner are sleeping yourself? Take a look at our washable range night diapers. These have multiple absorbent layers, so that the puddle is extra well collected.

Help choosing washable diapers

If you are orienting for reusable nappies, you can quickly get lost because of all the different washable diaper systems, brands and many advice. But which diaper system fits well with your child, but also with your own lifestyle and ideals? For more information on washable diapers, please Contact us for a free consultation.

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Reusable nappies (3)

Close Pop-In SIO bamboe klittenband luier – Papegaai AIO wasbare luier Close

Close Pop-In SIO bamboo velcro diaper - Parrot

Slim diaper with super absorbent core and the cover is reusable

Close Pop-In SIO bamboo velcro diaper - Monkey

Close Pop-In SIO bamboo velcro diaper - Monkey

Slim diaper with super absorbent core and the cover is reusable


Close Pop-In SIO bamboo diaper - Monkey

Slim diaper with super absorbent core and the cover is reusable

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